Additional information
Cover | Paperback |
Dimensions (W) | 8 1/2" |
Dimensions (H) | 11" |
Page Count | 153 |
Publisher | CRL |
Year Printed | 1987 |
Requirements |
Cover | Paperback |
Dimensions (W) | 8 1/2" |
Dimensions (H) | 11" |
Page Count | 153 |
Publisher | CRL |
Year Printed | 1987 |
Requirements |
Study 1
The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effects of instruction in the Error Monitoring Strategy on the ability of students with LD to detect and correct errors in their own and others’ written work. Four types of errors were the focus: capitalization, overall appearance, punctuation, and spelling. Nine students in grades 8 through 12 participated. Before instruction, their standardized writing scores ranged from the second- through eighth-grade levels. They were instructed in a small-group setting by a researcher who was a certified special education teacher. A multiple-baseline across-students design was used. Repeated measures were gathered from two types of tests. For the first type, students were given a teacher-generated written passage containing 20 errors (5 of each of the four error types). They were asked to detect and correct the errors in the passage. Passages were written at either the student’s reading ability level or grade level. For the second type of test, students were required to write a paragraph, review it for errors, and correct any errors they found.
The results of the study showed that during baseline, students were able to detect an average of 29% of the errors and correct an average of 26% of the errors in ability-level teacher-generated passages, and they could detect an average of 31% and correct an average of 29% of the errors in grade-level teacher-generated passages. After training, they were able to detect and correct an average of 92% of the errors in ability-level passages, and they could detect and correct an average of 97% of the errors in grade-level passages.
During baseline, in their own writing, the students were making about one error for every 4 words; after training, they made a mean of one error for every 33 words. Students showed improvement only after instruction was implemented.
Students reached mastery in about 7 1/2 hours of instructional time. No student required practice in teacher-generated passages written at their grade level; in all cases, they met mastery on the grade-level passages on the first attempt. The number of practice attempts on teacher-generated ability-level passages ranged from 2 to 6 (M = 3); the number of practice attempts on student-generated passages ranged from 1 to 2 (M = 1.5).
This study showed that students with LD can learn to detect and correct four types of errors in their own writing and in the writing of others in a relatively short amount of instructional time, given small-group instruction. It also showed that they could immediately generalize the use of the strategy from passages written at their reading ability level to passages written at their grade level and within one or two trials to their own writing.
Schumaker, J. B., Deshler, D. D., Alley, G. R., Warner, M. M., Clark, F. L., & Nolan, S. (1982). Error Monitoring: A learning strategy for improving adolescent academic performance (pp. 170-183). In W. M. Cruickshank and J. W. Lerner (Eds.), Best of ACLD, Vol. 3. Syracuse: Syracuse University Press.
Study 2
This study focused on the instruction of four writing strategies within a resource room program by the regularly assigned special education teacher. The writing strategies were taught across the course of a full school year. General education English and social studies teachers were recruited to give writing assignments in their classes to provide measures of generalization. Seven participating high school students with LD who had not been enrolled in general education courses in the past were enrolled in these English and social studies classes at the beginning of the school year. The students were first taught the Sentence Writing Strategy (Schumaker & Sheldon, 1985) by their special education teacher in the resource room. Next, the students learned the Paragraph Writing Strategy (Schumaker & Lyerla, 1991). Subsequently, they learned how to detect and correct errors in their writing by learning the Error Monitoring Strategy (Schumaker, Nolan, & Deshler, 1985). Finally, they learned the Theme Writing Strategy (Schumaker, 2003). Throughout the instruction, the students’ writing performance in both the resource room and in the targeted general education classes was monitored. That is, every time they wrote a paragraph or an essay in any of the targeted settings, the product was scored for the types of sentences used, the organization of the paragraph, the number of errors, and the organization of the essay. A multiple-probe across-strategies design was employed.
The seven students made an average of .27 errors per word (i.e., about one error every 3 words) in their written assignments during baseline and an average of .04 errors per word (i.e., about one error every 20 words) after instruction on products written in the resource room and in general education classes. The multiple-baseline across-strategies design demonstrated that each student made gains on pertinent measures only after instruction began for each strategy.
Five of the students made the same kinds of gains on their writing assignments in general education classes as they did in the resource room, even though they had not been taught to use the writing strategies in those settings. The two students who did not generalize their use of the strategies to other classes did so quickly after they had been taught to do so.
Before the study, the students’ GPA was 2.1 in special English and social studies courses designed for low-achieving students and students with disabilities; after the study, their GPA was 2.7 in regular-track general education English and social studies courses.
On a standardized test of writing instruction, the Woodcock Johnson Psychoeducational Battery, the students’ mean grade-equivalent score increased by two grade levels from 6.2 to 8.2. On the district’s minimal competency writing exam, the students earned a mean overall score of 3.5 (out of 5.0), which compared favorably to the mean overall district average of 2.5. With regard to maintenance of strategy usage, the four students who returned to the school the following school year and who had learned all the strategies demonstrated that they could write organized paragraphs in their general education classes at mastery levels.
Thus, this study demonstrated that high school students with LD could learn the Error Monitoring Strategy in a resource room program when instructed by their regularly assigned special education teacher. It also showed that they could generalize their use of the Error Monitoring Strategy to assignments given in their required general education courses and that they could maintain their use of the strategy across several months. It also showed that strategy instruction was associated with growth in standardized writing test scores and produced favorable writing competency test scores.
Schmidt, J. L. (1983). The effects of four generalization conditions on learning disabled adolescents’ written language performance in the regular classroom. Unpublished doctoral dissertation. University of Kansas, Lawrence.
Schmidt, J. L., Deshler, D. D., Schumaker, J. B., & Alley, G. R. (1989). Effects of generalization instruction on the written language performance of adolescents with learning disabilities in the mainstream classroom. Reading, Writing, and Learning Disabilities, 4(4), 291-309.
Study 3
In this study, two writing strategies were taught in a 10th-grade English class containing 31 students. A comparison class contained 25 students. Three students with disabilities, three high-achieving students, and three low-achieving students within each class served as targeted subjects for the multiple-probe across-strategies design. The students in the experimental class received instruction in the Sentence Writing Strategy and then the Error Monitoring Strategy through the use of the eight-stage strategic instructional methodology combined with cooperative-group structures. Students in the comparison class received traditional writing instruction. Each time the students wrote a paragraph, an error-monitoring score was calculated (the total number of errors divided by the total number of words in the paragraph multiplied by 100 and then subtracted from 100). The maximum score was 100.
At the beginning of the study, the targeted students with LD in the experimental class earned an average error-monitoring score of 78, and those in the comparison class earned an average score of 62. Low-achieving students in the experimental class earned an average score of 72, and those in the comparison class earned an average score of 70. All students in the experimental class earned an average score of 86 and all students in the comparison class earned an average score of 85.
All the targeted students in the experimental class mastered the Error Monitoring Strategy after the instruction as shown by the multiple-probe design. After the instruction, the experimental students with LD earned an average score of 92, and the comparison students with LD earned an average score of 65. The experimental low-achieving students earned an average score of 80, and the comparison low-achieving students earned an average score of 66. Also after instruction, all the experimental students earned an average score of 95.
This study showed that writing strategies can be taught in an inclusive general education high school class in such a way that students with LD and low-achieving students can master the strategy and make substantial gains in their writing skills. However, a caution is in order here: these results were achieved when the eight-stage instructional methodology for teaching learning strategies was used, and students had multiple opportunities to practice using the strategy. Peers within the cooperative groups provided help and feedback to those students who needed it, and the cooperative-group structure was tailored to ensure that all students mastered the strategy (i.e., points were awarded to individual students according to how well all members of the group performed).
Beals, V. L. (1983). The effects of large group instruction on the acquisition of specific learning strategies by learning disabled adolescents. Unpublished doctoral dissertation, University of Kansas, Lawrence.
Jean B. Schumaker, Ph.D.
My Background and Interests
I grew up with a concern for children who need special help. One of my earliest experiences was organizing birthday parties for children with disabilities at the Matheny Medical and Educational Center in New Jersey. After the birthday parties were over and all the decorations had been cleaned up, I spent additional time with those children, putting them to bed, reading to and talking with them, and singing to them. Through those experiences and others as a camp counselor, I found that I loved being with children and teaching them. Eventually, I decided that I wanted to be a clinical psychologist, and I went to college and graduate school with that goal in mind. However, along the way, I got hooked on doing research! In particular, I got hooked on research related to ensuring that children learn. I’ve worked with children in schools, group homes, camps, hospitals, and clinical settings. Across all those experiences, I’ve learned that all children can learn. I’ve learned that, if we hold high expectations for them and use special teaching methods, they usually meet those expectations. I continue to do research with the goal of helping teachers teach and students learn.
The Story Behind the Error Monitoring Strategy
I started developing instructional programs for writing skills in the 1970s when I was a graduate student at the University of Kansas. My graduate program required me to take part in an internship at the probation department of the Douglas County Juvenile Court in Kansas. I was assigned several cases of truant secondary students. In working with these students, I learned that they could not write. They told me that one of the reasons they avoided school was that they were embarrassed because they could not complete the work assigned to them. I also learned that there were no instructional programs available to teach them writing in an intensive way. I embarked on a journey of developing writing programs that continues to this day.
The Error Monitoring Strategy program was one of the first programs that our research team developed in the early years of the Institute for Research on Learning Disabilities. We learned very quickly that secondary students with learning disabilities were making about one error in every three written words in their paragraphs and essays. Their peers without disabilities were making about one error in every thirty written words. Since our charge was to develop instructional programs that would quickly improve students’ writing skills such that they could succeed in their required secondary courses, we designed this strategy based on data that Don Deshler had gathered as a graduate student. Our goal was to enable students to check their own work for errors and then correct the errors that they found. The types of errors that they search for and correct in their writing are in four categories: capitalization errors, overall appearance errors, punctuation errors, and spelling errors.
My Thoughts about Strategic Instruction
Strategic instruction is one of the few instructional methods that have been shown to be effective through empirical research to produce improvement in learning and in the academic performance of at-risk students. The studies conducted on the Error Monitoring Strategy Program have shown that a variety of students, including students with and without disabilities can learn to find and correct errors in their own and others’ writing when this program is used with fidelity. Moreover, the error rate of students with learning disabilities after they reach mastery is comparable to the error rate of normally achieving students. If students need prerequisite instruction in capitalization and punctuation rules, they can learn these rules through the Capitalization, Commas, and Punctuation Strategies CD programs.
Teacher and Student Feedback on the Error Monitoring Strategy
Teachers have taught this strategy in a variety of settings including general education English and language arts classes, resource rooms, tutoring settings, and after-school programs. Teachers have reported that their students’ writing improves dramatically after they learn how to cue in on the types of errors that they can make. This program is included in numerous district scope and sequence documents across the nation starting at the fifth and sixth grades.
My Contact Information
Please contact me through Edge Enterprises, Inc.
( or 877-767-1487).